Last week I heard, what for me, is a profound statement: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SAYING THANK YOU AND ACTUALLY MEANING IT.
Sounds obvious.
But how many times do I rattle off a list of things I thank God for: a hot shower and a soft bed and making it through another day with a debilitatingly painful disease? Am I truly thankful? Do I approach the situation -- thanking God -- with humility?
James 4:6 tells us that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
The biggest thing I need to overcome in order to be truly humble is . . .
I need to acknowledge I cannot do it, achieve it, supply it on my own.
I have not been doing this lately. I have been striving with every ounce of my being to gain what I think I need in order to be happy. But God tells me HE is all I need, and He will supply everything else.
Another thought: When Jesus humbled himself, even to death on a cross, it was
a choice
I must offer no less when I am humble.