Today is Father's Day, and the Pastor connected his sermon to it. Our church has been doing the E100 series -- the 100 essential passages of Scripture. Today was "the Fall of Israel", but Pastor actually talked about David's last words to Solomon and how to be a godly man.
I am a single woman, and so after the service I thought about what he said in terms of God as the ultimate man. Of course, God exemplifies perfectly everything Pastor said a man should be.
A real man...
Rejects Passivity. In human terms, this means a real man is going to lead, take an active role in his family, whether that includes children or not.
What about God? How does He show this quality?
He saw my sin, my distance from Himself. He could have said, "She made her bed, now let her lie in it. She can serve her own punishment." Instead, He sent His Son to live on earth and die on a cross for my sin. God took the steps necessary to bridge the distance. And He continues to reach for me when I am far from Him. He is anything but passive!
Accepts Responsibility. In human terms, a husband and father will carry his share of the burden of a family. He will sacrifice his own desires -- a game of golf or a night at the bar or workworkwork -- to do what is right for his family.
God accepted responsibility for my sin when Jesus died on the cross.
Leads Courageously. Men are called to be courageous. Casting Crowns sings a beautiful song to that effect.
Jesus leads the way. We can read in the Gospels the accounts of how He lived and walked and loved the people around Him. We can follow that example, as well as the example of other believers who have gone before us.
Invests Eternally. God wants men to think about the long term, the big picture. It is not just about disciplining a son or daughter's misbehavior. It is as much about raising them to be godly men and women. Fatherhood is not only about working to provide food, shelter, and clothing. It is also about investing in their lives, knowing their interests, caring about them as people.
And doesn't God do this beautifully? He is always reminding me of the big picture -- "It's not about you, my dear child. It is about My love, My glory. My plan of salvation through all of history." And the lesson He teaches me today is not only about today but should have and will have a future and eternal impact if I keep my eyes on Him.